In our Autism Provision, a team of Teaching Staff and specialist Learning Support Assistants work to provide an enriched, individually oriented curriculum within an integrated setting where students can learn alongside their peers at a pace and with the support suitable to meet their needs.

Focus on individual needs to maximise progress

Provide a nurturing and supportive environment

Include students in mainstream lessons wherever possible

Develop the students confidence and independence

Maintain regular contact to ensure we work in partnership with parents

An individual, bespoke timetable

Differentiated work in mainstream lessons

Individual & small group teaching

Subject specialist teachers working in the Secondary AP

Designated Primary Teacher for the Primary AP class

Opportunities for students to work alongside their peers

Speech & Language and Social Communication/Skills intervention

Specialist Play Therapist

Additional trained teaching and support staff

Transition work with Further Education Providers – Bradford Christian School is proud of its ethos of inclusion. All of our AP students spend some time integrating with main school students e.g lunch and break times, selected assemblies, Sports Day, school trips and activities, PE, Middle School Topic and subject lessons as and where appropriate. This helps build their confidence and enables them to take a full part in school life.

A large dedicated classroom for our Middle School students.

A large dedicated classroom for our Upper School students

A small classroom used for small group work and interventions.


All students allocated places will have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). Placements will be sought through and formally approved by Bradford Local Authority in consultation with the school.

You are welcome to arrange a visit to our school or request further information.

Please contact Sharon Horton Autism Provision Head/SENCo

Telephone: 01274532649


EYFS & Primary
Middle School
Upper School
EYFS & Primary
Middle School
Upper School

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Our mission: is to provide a holistic Christian education for all and to inspire discipleship

Our vision: is to be a Christian community in which everyone grows in character, faith, knowledge, understanding and wisdom.

Bradford Christian School, Livingstone Road,
Bolton Woods,
Bradford, BD2 1BT

Main office Tel: 01274532649
Text: 07520649649

Reg charity no. 1027573