Memo to ALL parents

Memo for all parents of children at Bradford Christian School
29th May 2020

We were all waiting for the government’s briefing yesterday, 28th May, when they said that
they would either alter or confirm their advice for schools to start reopening as of Monday
June 1st.

They did not alter their advice yesterday and so we will open as communicated to you
before the Spring bank break.

So to summarise, these are our plans to gradually reopen school to students over the next
three weeks:
June 1st – Reception, Year 1 and Year 6, plus DSP and vulnerable children

June 8th – 4 day week, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for the rest of
primary. Two days a week for Nursery

Weekly from June 8th – Wednesdays only for year 10 who will contact one of their
teachers for a day.

Weekly from June 15th – Wednesdays only for year 7 – 10 who will contact one of
their teachers for a day in single year groups

Our provision will be reviewed weekly and will seek to keep in step with the
government’s general advice to schools depending on the results of efforts to contain
the effects of the coronavirus on the population. As always, we will seek to follow the
central government’s guidelines.

As previously stated, we respect each family’s decision based on their own family
circumstances, convictions and conscience as to whether they are prepared to allow
their children back to school.

We will continue to set work online for students in Years 5 to 11 as we have
previously established as a way of working. Staff working in school will also use this
online based way for working as well as adding other approaches to work afforded
by being in a classroom and working face to face with students.

Primary staff will adapt their provision providing a mixture of online learning andclassroom based learning.

These plans have been made in consultation with the governors who have approved
the Risk Assessment we have put in place.

Heads of Department will communicate with smaller sections of the school
individually to explain the specific plans for their departments.

Our general Provision for you and your children’s safety:

● You will be asked to observe social distancing approaching and leaving the school
● No other adults other than staff will be admitted to the school. School volunteers will
not be used during the rest of the academic year.
● Each class of students will have their own entry and exit point into the school.
Parents must remain outside.
● Students will have their own desk which will be situated 2 metres apart from other
● All lessons will be in the same room for each year group and teachers will teach the
same group of children with a minimum of change for each teacher.
● Classrooms will be decluttered of unnecessary furniture and for the younger children,
we will remove soft furnishings and toys.
● Younger children in Primary will have as much of their education outdoors as is
● Students will be supervised in hand washing as soon as they enter the building in the
morning and when they go out to and return from breaks and when they leave the
school to return home.
● The cloakrooms will only be used for the use of the toilets and for handwashing.
● It is recommended that clothes are washed each day and for this reason we will not
require students to come to school in uniform for the remainder of the academic year.
● We will provide exercise for students but they will not be required to change their
clothing for such activities.
● We require students to bring their own pencil case with all equipment they will need
for their study. This equipment should remain at school.
● We would also ask that you send your child to school with small packs of tissues that
they can self access and small bottles of hand sanitizer (the type that contains
alcohol), labelled with your child’s name. However, if you are unable to source this
basic sanitising equipment, the school will make some provision.

● Older students will be issued with their own laptop which they will be responsible for
disinfecting each day along with their immediate desk area.
● Staff will be designated to regularly clean heavy traffic areas such as doors and
desks and key equipment etc.
● Rooms will be well ventilated and doors wedged open to avoid the need to be
● Break times and lunch times will be staggered to minimise the number of children in
the school yard.
● Contact games and the use of the climbing frame will unfortunately not be allowed.
● We will not be able to provide school lunches for the foreseeable future, so all
students must bring their own food and named water bottle.
● In accordance with government guidelines, staff and students will not be required to
wear PPE including not being required to wear face masks. However, staff will wear
PPE if they have to administer first aid.
● We will use a temperature gun to check the temperature of each child and member of
staff. Any individual registering a high temperature above 38.7 degrees celsius will be
asked to return home.
● Staff and children exhibiting any symptoms (a high temperature, a new, dry and
persistent cough, a loss or change in sense of taste and smell) will be asked to go to
a testing station and test negative before they will be allowed to return to school.
● If a child or member of staff tests positive, the teacher and class should self isolate
for fourteen days (Source Bradford LA guidance) They should only be tested if they
develop symptoms.