GCSE Exam Results

2024 headlines!

  • Our Progress 8 figure of +0.15 shows our results to be above the national average and describes added value in terms of grades compared to standardised predictions.

  • 92% of exams taken resulted in a Grade 4 or above, compared to a national average of 67.4%.

  • 34% of exams resulted in a grade 7 or above, compared to a regional average of 18.3%.

  • These are both strong results and likely to be strong compared to national data once that is in.

This table outlines our exam results for the past 7 years according to the government standards of the 1 - 9 grades, with 2016 and 2017 being adjusted to reflect this.

2024 0.15 56.4 56.3 31.3 31.3
2023 0.65 65.8 100 25 25
2022* N/A Covid 48.3 50 37.5 25
2021* N/A Covid 54.9 50 38 38
2020* N/A Covid 61 71 43 43
2019 0.89 56.6 57 14 14
2018 -0.16 48.9 50 38 63

*Nationally, 2020, 2021 & 2022 GCSE results were based on teacher predictions. At BCS these predictions were almost entirely based on the grades shared with parents after their Mock Exams

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Bradford Christian School, Livingstone Road,
Bolton Woods,
Bradford, BD2 1BT

Main office Tel: 01274532649
Email: office@bxs.org.uk
Text: 07520649649

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