Meet our Senior Leadership Team


Mrs Prothero, Headteacher

I have taught since 1990, in a range of state primary schools and also in teacher education at York St.John University. I met Mr Prothero studying for Master's degree in 1995, and we discovered we share a faith in the same God and a love for education.  In 2006 we moved to Cambodia to work in a school for missionary kids, where we stayed for ten years to educate children from thirty one nationalities. I was principal of the primary school and in charge of special needs for 3 - 18 year olds, Mr Prothero developed a thriving high school growing from 15 to 200 students.
I am passionate about holistic education, with God in the centre. School is about so much more than academics, and whilst these are important, education should be in partnership with parents to develop children socially, emotionally, spiritually and physically. Bradford Christian School is a place where this happens. It is a privilege to be able to pray for and with children, to teach them that they are precious and valued by God. I love Jesus, love children and love teaching, and enjoy working with a group of people who do the same. 2019, I completed the National Award for SENCos, a post graduate certificate in Special Educational Needs, which I am using in my job at BCS.

Mr Walker, Deputy Head

I have been teaching for over 30 years. My favourite subject areas are Physical Education and Religious Studies. I have, over the years, taught most other subjects.
Currently my main roles on the leadership team are overseeing the school’s finances.

Mr Prothero, Head of Upper School

I have taught since 1988, in the UK, Malawi, and Cambodia. My background is in Maths and Physics, but I have taught across the curriculum as needed.  I have worked as a deputy head teacher of a large English comprehensive and have the NPQH qualification. In Cambodia I was head of secondary school, working with students from 11 to eighteen years old. My passion is allowing students to be the best they can be using the skills God has given them. I am keen for students to ask the difficult questions, particularly about faith, and I am interested in 'Sticky Faith' research from Fuller Youth Institute. FYI’s research confirms that it’s never too early or too late to start developing faith that continues to grow and lasts. Sticky Faith gives parents and leaders both a theological/philosophical framework and a host of practical relationship and programming ideas that develop long-term faith in teenagers. I am keen to develop faith integrated learning practice across school.


Mr Moon, Head of Middle School

I have taught in just four Bradford Schools for the entirety of my professional life (37 years) including Bradford Christian School, of which I am the co-founder. I led the school as Headteacher for the past 27 years and am convinced, even more, of the need to offer an alternative to parents who want a authentically faith based education. As well as leading Bradford Christian school, I also provide teacher training for teachers in CST schools and beyond.


Mrs Hoskins, Head of Primary School

Over the past 12 years I have taught across Christian and State schools in Sheffield and the Bradford area. First as a KS2 teacher for the first 6 years and for the last 5 years in KS1. I have been Head of Primary at BCS for 2 years and have the joy of managing our wonderful EYFS and Primary Team.
I have embedded and developed our Phonics scheme and early reading across Primary and EYFS and have a particular interest in seeing children develop in this area. Cultivating a joy of reading at a young age is something that myself and the team aspire to.
It is such a privilege to see children discovering the world that God has made them and who they are as His children. Equipping children from a young age with the tools they need to become confident in their learning and in all areas of school life, as members of our BCS community, is something I am so glad to be a part of.

Mrs Horton, Head of Autism Provision

I joined Bradford Christian School in December 2014 initially as the school SENCo. My previous roles and experience have been in a variety of settings, ranging from Early Years to Special Eduational Needs and Family Support Work.
I am passionate about working with whole families and in Inclusive Education.
My working vision for our students with Autism and SEND is that we don't try to fit Square Pegs into Round Holes.
"The problem with trying to fit a Square Peg into a Round Hole is not so much the time, effort and frustration of forcing the fit, but that you end up damaging the peg."
In my role as AP Head, we provide Primary and Secondary Designated Specialist Provisions that deliver high quality, bespoke teaching and learning, in a nurturing environment with God at the centre of everything we do.

Our Staff

Bradford Christian School employs Christian teachers and support staff with a wide range of experiences in working with children and young people. 

Our excellent staff team, who come from a variety of teaching backgrounds in the UK and beyond, have all endeavoured to develop our distinctly Christian approach to education as well as ensuring that high standards are maintained. The strength of our teaching staff is the quality of relationships they build with their students and a commitment to each child achieving their personal best. 

Staff are committed to contributing to our vision including opportunities for discipleship as part of a quality education. 

The school is a member of the Christian Schools Trust, a national group of Christian schools in England. Mr Moon, our Head of Middle School and School Founder, is also a teacher trainer for the CST and has developed an in-house teacher development programme - The Essential Christian Teacher.

We also benefit from an involved Governing Body who support the development of our school


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Our mission: is to provide a holistic Christian education for all and to inspire discipleship

Our vision: is to be a Christian community in which everyone grows in character, faith, knowledge, understanding and wisdom.

Bradford Christian School, Livingstone Road,
Bolton Woods,
Bradford, BD2 1BT

Main office Tel: 01274532649
Text: 07520649649

Reg charity no. 1027573

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