The Week Ahead
The Week Ahead
Monday 11th July
Thanks for opening The Week Ahead! Please encourage other parents to read our weekly newsletter.
The Week Ahead feedback
Quick Stop Notices
Next Week
Stars & Students of the Week
Classroom News
Headteacher's message
Quick Stop Notices
On Thursday 14th July we will have an end of year celebration and awards evening. 6pm @ St Cuthbert's Wrose. For the whole community to celebrate the end of a whole year in school - the first since 2018 - 2019. Book free tickets here.
A message from one of our parents, Sally Ogden,
We have been trying to organise a parents meal for a while. We are going to be doing an end of year meal on Friday 15th July at 7.30pm at Kun, a new curry restaurant in town, for any parents who would like to socialise with other parents. We appreciate not everyone can make it but we want to advertise to the wider school for parents of Primary and Middle School.
If you would like to come please let Sally know on 07976975535.
(We are going to organise another one for September when more people are available too).
Trip Info & Payments - please check your emails and texts for information and payment links. Thank you.
Progress Reports will be issued toward the end of term, including any standardised test data for your children.
Mrs Moon will retire on Tuesday July 19th, her last day after 29 years of teaching. We appreciate her vision and all she has invested in our children, staff and school.
The last week will be service time for year 9 and 10, and activity week for the rest of school. Details will follow
The last day of term is the 22nd July, and we will close at 12pm
From September the school day will end at 3:30 for all children, to meet the new statutory requirements for a 32.5 hour school week. Study centre will end at 4:30pm for middle and upper school students on Monday to Wednesday.
Uniform - on PE days children will continue to wear PE uniform for school.
A reminder about attendance and punctuality
Most children arrive at school on time each day and we appreciate this.
Please make sure children are in school by 8:55 each day and if they won't be in school please contact the office telling them the child's name, reason for absence and when they are likely to return to school.
Leave a message on the answer machine, send an email to or text 07520649649
Save up to 75% on season train tickets to school. Click here.
PE Hoodies for Y1 - Y 11 available to order. Click here
Next Week
- Oak Upper students to visit City Library
- Parent Prayers @ The Overflowing Cup, 9.30am
- Y1/2 to visit the Industrial Museum
- Celebration Evening (whole school) St Cuthberts Church 6pm. Book free tickets here.
Dates for your Diary
Monday 18th July - last week of term- Service week for upper school, activity week for primary and middle - details will follow soon.
Friday July 22nd School closes at 12 o'clock for the Summer
Lunch orders close Monday 9:00am
Stars & Students of the week
Leo, Ruth, Lucy and Alex for a great transition day
Mimi for great independent art work
Thande for a super transition day
Dan for acting out of David
Krystal for organisation and presentation
Silver Award - 60 Merits
Gold Award - 100 Merits
Anna for improved focus in Geography
Evie for showing consistent kindness and support for another student in lessons.
Aadan for completing more than DOUBLE the Computer Science tasks required to get BLUE!
Daniel for independent working.
Classroom News
Headteacher's Message
Our mission: To provide a holistic Christian education for all and to inspire discipleship.
Our vision: To be a Christian community in which everyone grows in character, faith, knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
This week I was invited to watch year 4 mark the end of primary and their move to middle school. They confidently performed for their parents, and as usual, Mrs Garcia was able to describe their individual gifts and character. I am always amazed how well Mrs Garcia knows and develops the children. Faith awards were given to each child - highlighting their character strengths and encouraging them to grow in these areas.
On Thursday we will have a whole school celebration evening where we will also present awards for academic success, as well as three whole school character awards. Each phase of school will have a chance to present some learning from their year. The service will last about an hour and a half, and we will serve cakes and cold drinks. This will take place at St. Cuthbert's Church in Wrose, thanks to Rev Chris Baxfield, one of our primary dads.
In the last week of term we will be having a lot of fun. There are several events planned to develop character and to celebrate a year in school - something we no longer take for granted. You should all have received information about the events of the week.
Don't forget, we finish at 12pm on Friday 22nd July
