The Week Ahead weekly newsletter

Growing Lives that Bear Fruit
Quick Stop Notices 👀
Recent Policy Updates
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Year 3/4 Parent consultations 14:30 - 16:00
Year 1, 2, Middle and Upper school Parent consultations 15:30 - 17:30
Acorn Parent consultations 15:30 - 17:00
AP Trip to Leeds - 9:15 - 14:45
Middle and Upper school Parent consultations 17:30 - 20:00
Acorn Parent consultations - 17:30 - 19:00
School Photographs
👇🏻Dates for your diary👇🏻
- 30th November - Staff PD - school closed to students
- 19th December - EYFS & Primary Nativity afternoon and early evening performances. Ticket details to be announced in November.
MIS latest version: v1.89
⭐️Stars & Students of the week⭐️
Primary School
Samual for having a really good attitude
Abigail for being amazing at following instructions this week.
Jake for using his sound mat to try and spell tricky words.
Grace for super instruction writing in english.
Joshua P for great mental math skills and perseverance.
Middle School
Shalom for one of the best Autumn 1 progress checks in Middle School
Semmy for one of the best Autumn 1 progress checks in Middle School
Daniel for one of the best Autumn 1 progress checks in Middle School
Jay for one of the best Autumn 1 progress checks in Middle School
Isla for one of the best Autumn 1 progress checks in Middle School
Katie for one of the best Autumn 1 progress checks in Middle School
Upper School
Alana for one of the best 6 Autumn 1 Progress Check in Upper School
Sammie for one of the best 6 Autumn 1 Progress Check in Upper School
Isaac for one of the best 6 Autumn 1 Progress Check in Upper School
Zachary for one of the best 6 Autumn 1 Progress Check in Upper School
Isla for one of the best 6 Autumn 1 Progress Check in Upper School
Autism Provision
Jaylan for settling into Oak Upper very well, giving 100% and great work experience.
🎓Classroom News👨🏻🏫
Received by Autism Provision after they sent some lovely letters to the King about the coronation
🔗Helpful Links📱
It's free to sign up to and start supporting us with Give as you Live. Send our unique campaign links to friends and family so they can support us for free too!
We can win upto £1500 free if 5 new people signup to our Give as you Live campaign before the 17th December!
Regular campaign link -
£15 raised so far!
To say it's only been a short time we've been apart of the Stikins campaign, this is an incredible achievement. Please continue to engage with this campaign. Thank you!
Headteacher's Message
Our Mission
To provide a holistic Christian education for all and to inspire discipleship.
Our Vision
To be a Christian community in which everyone grows in character, faith, knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
Many of our staff, both present and past, are committed to praying for school, for your children, and for our ever developing Christian education. Recently a number of staff are committed to praying one evening a week about the future of our school - staffing, government taxation, and how we develop the autism provision.
One of my prayers of gratitude is for our governing body. This bunch of people give time, energy and support to me as head teacher and this benefits your children. Every month the chair meets me to discuss our school, how I am, and to hold me accountable for my role. The whole governing body also meets monthly and I report to them how progress is being made against our school improvement plan.
The chair has invited all parents to a morning breakfast on Saturday 18th November - he is keen to meet you all and talk about what the governors do. I encourage you to support this event as they support us so selflessly.