The Week Ahead weekly newsletter
Growing Lives that Bear Fruit
Quick Stop Notices
This week we have received some additional guidance re the teachers’ standards of ethics and behaviour, both within and outside of school. There is a list for staff, and some of this impacts parents:
Staff should never contact pupils or parents from their personal mobile phone or give their mobile number to pupils or parents. If staff must contact parents from home, they will do so by school email and not personal phones.
If staff need to make telephone contact with a pupil or parent, they must use the school telephone.
There is additional guidance about professional distance on on social media
Staff should not request or accept friends from school parents unless they are friends in the real world. We realise that many parents in our community do have friendships with staff - that's OK!
Staff should never add school pupils before they're 18 years old
Please make sure you help us by respecting these rules around boundaries and confidentiality
Occasionally staff will share a number for emergencies - e.g school trips and residentials. We would ask you to delete numbers after the event and only use them whilst the trip is taking place
Missed last weeks Week Ahead?
Go to our Parent Zone page to view the archive.
After Half term ➡️
Monday 19th February
BCS Reopens
Y11 Mock Exams start
Homework club, 15:30 - 16:30
Middle School Drama club, 15:30 - 16:30
Homework club 15:30 - 16:30
Y9 Options Meeting 16:00 - 17:00
Thursday - Homework club 15:30 - 16:30
Dates for your diary
- 26th February - Year 9/10 trip to Barcelona
- 1st March - Y7&8 Romeo and Juliet trip, Skipton
- 2nd March (Saturday) - Y34, 56 Romeo and Juliet trip, Alhambra Studio Theatre, Bradford
- 7th March
- Year 11 residential
- World Book Day - EYFS & Primary
- 13th March - Staff Training day - school closed to students
- 22nd March - School CLOSES for Easter break
⭐️Stars & Students⭐️ of the week
Primary School
Love Class
Abigail for her amazing character and great sense of humor and for always being kind.
Rosie for being amazing at her phonics
Peace Class
Eirik for always trying his best and putting 100% effort into his work.
Zebedee for fantastic times table work in Maths.
Kindness Class
Willow for fantastic work on your explanation text.
Violet for all your hard work in Maths.
Bronze awards
Silver awards
Middle School
Amelia for completing the whole of her RE test and going beyond her target grade
Yo-yo for A good test result in RE
Isaac for Growing confidence in Spanish is leading to great results.
Isla for working hard in Maths leading to brilliant results
Upper School
Amba for Fabulous work in Spanish - both oral and written.
Josiah for Detailed and logical writing in science using an abundance of key terms
Bryony for Fabulous work in Spanish, both oral and written.
Sara for Fabulous work in Spanish, both oral and written.
Autism Provision
🧑🎓Classroom News
Helpful Links
It's free to sign up to and start supporting us with Give as you Live. Send our unique campaign links to friends and family so they can support us for free too!
Regular campaign link -
£15 raised so far!
To say it's only been a short time we've been apart of the Stikins campaign, this is an incredible achievement. Please continue to engage with this campaign. Thank you!
Marks & Spencer Uniform
£120 raised so far!
Every time someone purchases a BCS school uniform through our affiliate, M&S, we receive a small commission. So far this year we have receive £120. Thank you for your support.
Our Mission
To provide a holistic Christian education for all and to inspire discipleship.
Our Vision