The Week Ahead weekly newsletter


Growing Lives that Bear Fruit

This week...

    Thanks for the positive feedback about ISI, it was lovely receiving your comments and encouragement.

    Quick Stop Notices

    This week we have received some additional guidance re the teachers’ standards of ethics and behaviour, both within and outside of school. There is a list for staff, and some of this impacts parents:
    Staff should never contact pupils or parents from their personal mobile phone or give their mobile number to pupils or parents. If staff must contact parents from home, they will do so by school email and not personal phones.

    If staff need to make telephone contact with a pupil or parent, they must use the school telephone.

    There is additional guidance about professional distance on on social media

    Staff should not request or accept friends from school parents unless they are friends in the real world. We realise that many parents in our community do have friendships with staff - that's OK!

    Staff should never add school pupils before they're 18 years old

    Please make sure you help us by respecting these rules around boundaries and confidentiality

    Occasionally staff will share a number for emergencies - e.g school trips and residentials. We would ask you to delete numbers after the event and only use them whilst the trip is taking place

    Missed last weeks Week Ahead?

    Go to our Parent Zone page to view the archive.

    Next Week ➡️

    Monday 26th February

    Barcelona Year 9 and 10 - from Monday to Friday - parents please be on time at the airport to drop off children on Monday morning, and to collect your children on Friday

    Y11 Mock Exams continue - They are managing this time remarkably well

    Primary Drama Club - 15:30 - 16:30

    Homework club, 15:30 - 16:30


    Middle School Drama club, 15:30 - 16:30


    Homework club 15:30 - 16:30


    Homework club 15:30 - 16:30


    Y7&8 Romeo and Juliet trip, Skipton

    Y9&10 return from Barcelona


    First Encounters Shakespeare Saturday 2nd March for primary aged children


    Dates for your diary

    • 7th March
      • Year 11 residential
      • World Book Day - EYFS & Primary
    • 13th March - Staff Training day - school closed to students
    • 22nd March - School CLOSES at 12:30 for Easter break

    ⭐️Stars & Students⭐️ of the week

    Primary School

    Love class

    Seren for writing a fantastic sentence.
    Eliza for super independent maths work.
    Nina for a creative boomerang.
    Peace class
    Eric for having good focus this week and working hard.
    Kindness class
    Thandi for outstanding participation in the Shakespeare workshop.
    Maya for outstanding participation in the Shakespeare workshop
    Joshua for super work in Literacy looking at adverbs
    Bronze Awards
    Silver Awards

    Upper School


    Evie for settling in well to BCS


    Tyrese for improving focus on learning in class

    Autism Provision

    Acorns Class

    Kai for working hard in all his lessons.
    smart online safety

    Helpful Links


    It's free to sign up to and start supporting us with Give as you Live. Send our unique campaign links to friends and family so they can support us for free too!

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    £15 raised so far!

    To say it's only been a short time we've been apart of the Stikins campaign, this is an incredible achievement. Please continue to engage with this campaign. Thank you!

    Marks & Spencer Uniform

    £120 raised so far!

    Every time someone purchases a BCS school uniform through our affiliate, M&S, we receive a small commission. So far this year we have receive £120. Thank you for your support.  

    Headteacher's Message

    Our Mission

    To provide a holistic Christian education for all and to inspire discipleship.

    Our Vision

    To be a Christian community in which everyone grows in character, faith, knowledge, understanding and wisdom.

    Last year we changed how Maths is taught, implementing a whole school approach to improving standards. We are using a new scheme, have a new Maths team, and we are seeing improvement across school - right from our nursery up to year 11.

    In a recent national Maths competition, school won 6 Bronze Awards and one Silver - Congratulations to Josiah for his silver, and Daisy, Jack, Sammie, Elliot, Aaden and Kevin for their bronze bronze awards. 

    This week Sarah Bullen, one of our lovely Maths teachers, shared her story of faith integrated learning in Maths. She reflected on the question posed by one of her students 'Miss, Did God invent Maths?'

    Maths is a subject which is notoriously known for being difficult to integrate faith into learning. However, starting my role as a Maths teacher in September I wasn’t satisfied that this should be so. I’m on a journey which has been filled with prayer, research and conversation as to how I can teach the Christian faith hand in hand with the Maths curriculum. I believe that if God is the foundation of all knowledge then everything He created, the visible and the invisible, must reflect back to Him his beauty and wonder. That’s why each Maths lesson I teach, I endeavour to evoke awe and wonder within the students leading to worship of God for his glory in creation. An example of this would be the Fibonacci sequences the Year 7 and 8s looked at as part of their learning of non-linear sequences. The Fibonacci sequence is a sequence which is seen throughout creation: in flowers, trees, fruit, shells, hurricanes, galaxies and in humans- even our DNA! Studying this sequence gave the Year 7 and 8s an opportunity to explore whether maths we see around us is evidence for God’s presence and design in creation.

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    Sarah Bullen

    Job role: Maths Teacher

    Church: The Light Church Bradford

    Sarah joined BCS in 2021 as an LSA working in Primary. In September 2023 she began her role teaching maths to Middle and Upper School. With a background in Psychology and Youth Work, she is passionate about championing young people on their journeys both spiritually and educationally. Having been brought up in the Lake District, Sarah loves nothing more than being on top of a mountain, however as a new mum is more likely to be found in the park, at soft play or feeding the ducks with her 17 month old.

    Thank you for your continued support of Bradford Christian School

    Have a blessed weekend