The Week Ahead weekly newsletter

Growing Lives that Bear Fruit
Quick Stop Notices
One of our parents has shared a radio interview with the founders of 'Smart phone free childhood'. She found it was really interesting, and good to hear as a parent of children who don't have smart phones, that there are other parents out there doing the same.
Their website is and there was an article in the Guardian a couple of months ago about the thinking behind the movement and their collective approach to the issue.
We are enrolling into nursery and reception. The government funds children until they turn 4, then part funds places for reception children until their fifth birthday.
We are one of the only Christian nurseries in North Bradford at the moment, please spread the word that we are open for enrolment and love to give children the opportunity to have Christian input from the age of 3.
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Next Week➡️
Week commencing 29th April 2024
GCSE Exams start
Children's Story & Art Workshops - 15:30 - 16:45 details below
Homework Club - 15:30 - 16:30
SLB Vaccinations Y9 - 13:00 - 14:00
Middle School Drama club - 15:30 - 16:30 - BFG tickets
Homework Club - 15:30 - 16:30
Autism Provision trip to Xscape - 8:45 - 14:45
Homework club 15:30 - 16:30
Y11 Leavers assembly - 13:30 - 14:30
Autism Provision trip to Ilkley park - 9:00 - 15:00
School lunches
After School Clubs - Details
Dates for your diary
- 3rd - Y11 Leavers assembly 13:30 - 14:30
- 7th - Staff PD - SCHOOL CLOSED
- 14th -Year 1 and 2 Trip to Toy Museum at Abbey House
- 15th - Geography trip Yr 9/10
- 22nd - 24th - DofE Silver / Bronze
- 24th - Break up for Half-Term
- 10th - School Reopens
- 14th - GCSE Exam finish
- 24th - 5th July - Y9/10 End of Year Exams
- 4th - Staff PD, School CLOSED to Students
- 11th 18:00 - 19:30 - Whole School Celebration - Church on the Way, Idle
- 15th - 19th - Activity Week
- 19th - School closes for Summer
⭐️Stars & Students⭐️ of the week
Seth for settling in extremely well.
Nina for amazing detail and great imagination in her story work.
Yarnaa for super skills working with clay and creating a fantastic clay frog.
Kindness class
Ethan for great work on fractions and a brilliant test score.
Charlie for fantastic work on his Mr Stink.
Semmy for Consistently focused work across the curriculum
Daniel for Consistently participating in class discussions.
Marley for Excellent 'cold writing' last week
Rebecca for Always aiming higher and better in English
Eileena for Continual engagement in music outside of school and performing with the Ukuke in front of her class
Joy for Thoughtful, mature attitude in English
Preet for Excellent focus in English
Ethan for Excellent focus in English
Autism Provision
🧑🎓Classroom News
Helpful Links
We are excited to announce the the release of our new Fundraising platform - Stewardship!
Stewardship are a Christian charity organisation who have been helping charities raise crucial funds since 1906! You can read more about them here.
If you or anyone you know feel able to give regularly to the work of Bradford Christians School, click the button below to get started and thanks you!
It's free to sign up to and start supporting us with Give as you Live. Send our unique campaign links to friends and family so they can support us for free too!
Regular campaign link -
£15 raised so far!
To say it's only been a short time we've been apart of the Stikins campaign, this is an incredible achievement. Please continue to engage with this campaign. Thank you!
Marks & Spencer Uniform
£120 raised so far!
Every time someone purchases a BCS school uniform through our affiliate, M&S, we receive a small commission. So far this year we have receive £120. Thank you for your support.
Headteacher's Message
Our Mission
To provide a holistic Christian education for all and to inspire discipleship.
Our Vision
To be a Christian community in which everyone grows in character, faith, knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
This week we had the privilege of meeting most parents to discuss your children. We had a great turn out and staff enjoyed talking about the children they teach, and hearing about them at home.
We realise that one of our strengths at Bradford Christian School is that staff know it is not just a job, and articulate calling and commitment to their roles, caring deeply about the children they work with. We also appreciate that we are relational people, and whilst relationships can bring great joy, they also bring challenges.
As staff have reflected this week, it has been apparent, once again, that there is a strong desire to work with parents, in partnership, to educate their children. We share the best interests of the children, although acknowledge that the outworking can be different at times.
Our vision and mission are central to our partnership:
Christian Community - Through partnership with parents, churches and the wider community, all BCS students are loved, valued and respected. Each child is accepted, nurtured, challenged and encouraged. They are inspired to discover and develop their unique God-given abilities as they grow in confidence to see themselves the way Christ sees them.
We have a partnership agreement with parents and with older students, published on the website and shared during the enrolment process. Our desire is to partner with all of our families who are choosing Christian education for their children.
Thanks for supporting our parent evening, for showing up, engaging and partnering with us as we try to do a great job with your children.