The Week Ahead weekly newsletter
Growing Lives that Bear Fruit
Quick Stop Notices
As a school we have decided to close our HSBC bank account, and have opened a new account with the Cooperative Bank.
The new account details are as follows:
Bradford Christian School
Sort code 08-92-99
Account no 63154896
As our HSBC account will be permanently closed in January, we would be grateful if you would arrange to change your fee payment to the new account as soon as possible.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you.
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Next Week ➡️
Monday 29th January
Homework club, 3:30 - 4:30
Primary School Drama Club, 3:30 - 4:30
Safer Internet Day
Middle School Drama club, 3:30 - 4:30
Homework club 3:30 - 4:30
Thursday - Homework club 3:30 - 4:30
15:30 - Closed for Half Term
Dates for your diary
- 19th February
- BCS re-opens
- Year 11 mock exams start
- 26th February - Year 9/10 trip to Barcelona
- 7th March - Year 11 residential
- 13th March - Staff Training day - school closed to students
- 22nd March - School CLOSES for Easter break
⭐️Stars & Students⭐️ of the week
Primary School
Love class
Ophelia for always being fantastic on the carpet.
Samuel for amazing learning and being amazing in P.E.
Peace class
Jake for always being kind and helpful to others
Grace for thoughtful contributions during bible time.
Kindness class
Isaac for great ideas in Science.
Timothy for improvement in writing, especially work on his explanation text.
Bronze awards
Silver awards
Middle School
Aimee for Excellent work in binary data representation unit.
Upper School
Claudine for Working well in PE, Maths and Art
Autism Provision
🧑🎓Classroom News
Helpful Links
It's free to sign up to and start supporting us with Give as you Live. Send our unique campaign links to friends and family so they can support us for free too!
Regular campaign link -
£15 raised so far!
To say it's only been a short time we've been apart of the Stikins campaign, this is an incredible achievement. Please continue to engage with this campaign. Thank you!
Marks & Spencer Uniform
£120 raised so far!
Every time someone purchases a BCS school uniform through our affiliate, M&S, we receive a small commission. So far this year we have receive £120. Thank you for your support.
Headteacher's Message
Our Mission
To provide a holistic Christian education for all and to inspire discipleship.
Our Vision
To be a Christian community in which everyone grows in character, faith, knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
I have received the draft report from our inspection which is not yet to be shared publicly. However, I want to share that as the head of school I am delighted with many of the comments made. We have met all ISI required standards, and a number of encouraging comments have been made about the culture of our school. Of course we always have areas to work on, but the one they identified was already identified in our development plan. This was a great encouragement to us. I am grateful to God for the team we have, and each of the people who was part of this inspection process.
Hopefully the report will be with us soon, and we can share it with you in its fullness.
This week I have borrowed my contribution from Elisha Hutcheson, one of our ex students and youngest teachers. She encouraged staff on Monday with her thoughtful reflection about her apologetics lessons.
It is a beautiful privilege to see people grow in their roles - enjoy reading
"As someone who teaches Apologetics to year 7&8, my job is rather easy when it comes to discussing God in the classroom. However, when it came to planning my lessons, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to go beyond simply discussing the hard questions of the Christian faith; I wanted to impart core values that can be applied in ALL aspects of life, not just in the Apologetics classroom.
So, going directly to the source of all values and principles, I found my answers in 1 Peter 3:15-17 and Colossians 4:5-6 (pictured below). Reading through these verses, I began highlighting the key words that I perceived as vital tools when communicating our faith.
I was particularly struck by the words 'seasoned with salt' in Colossians. After a quick google search, I discovered that salt is not just an ingredient to bring flavour to our food. Salt is a binder and stabilizer ingredient; the body requires salt to maintain its proper balance. Our faith isn't just something that we believe in, it's something that makes us whole and keeps us balanced.
Therefore, when it comes to sharing who we are, we should be people of honour, speaking out with gentleness and respect; we should approach our discussions with a good conscience, allowing the Holy Spirit to fill us with His knowledge and peace. We do not want to be forcing our opinions or views, but in wisdom, seek the right moments to share with others what God is doing in us.
There is so much power in our words, even more so when they are God influenced. We have the authority to bring change and balance into the world with how we choose to share our faith.
So, taking on board those principles, at the end of every apologetics lesson, they are reminded to:
Imparting values that will stay with our students right into their adult life regardless of where they might end up. Something that, as an ex-student myself, I am incredibly grateful to BCS for. Being taught not only academics, but also life values that help me to be the best version of myself."
Elisha Hutcheson
Job role: Learner Support Assistant (LSA)
Church: LIFE Church Bradford
Elisha is an ex BCS student who is passionate about helping our students realise their God given potential. Having grown up in Spain, she is fluent in both Catalan and Spanish, making her trilingual. Elisha is confident and strong in her Christian faith; seeking God’s will and purpose in all that she does. She also brings lots of encouragement and life to our wonderful BCS community.