Week commencing 6th February 2023
The Week Ahead
Quick Stop Notices
- You may be aware that teaching unions have voted to take strike action. We want to reassure you that BCS will not be affected by these strikes, and school will operate normally on these days.
- School Lunches can be ordered before 9am on a Monday for the week.
- The Northern Ballet will be visiting us on Monday 6th March to work with years 1-6 and Oak Acorns. This will be a workshop based on their forthcoming production of The Ugly Duckling which will be showing at The Alhambra during the Easter Holidays (Saturday 8 April). Tickets for the Ugly Duckling ballet can be booked here. Our children will not be taking part in the performance.
- Staff vacancies – please see the website.
- Please log on to the BCS Parent Portal to read and accept the school’s Acceptable Use Policy for this year. Make sure you’re logging into version 1.147.
- Mrs Harrison and Miss Krivan will be leaving us at the end of this half term (Friday 10th February). Mrs Harrison is leaving to spend more time supporting her husband with their family farm. Miss Krivan is moving back to Australia to get married and study at university. We are very thankful for all their hard work and support over the last 4 years across Primary and EYFS. Please pray for them as they move into this next season and feel free to come and say goodbye if you see them in the playground next week. The children have been told and we have started the transition process, combining both Y1 and Y2 classes together. They will be taught by Mrs Hoskins and Mrs Ryan and the support team are Mrs Aldridge, Miss Curtis and Mrs Trice Parkin.
- Dodgeball Club after half term – Thursday lunchtimes (2 separate clubs – 1 for Middle School and 1 for Upper School).
Next Week
Monday |
Y11 GCSE Mock Exams begin |
Wednesday |
Middle School lunch club – Art Class |
Thursday |
Middle School lunch club – Table Tennis |
Friday |
School closes at 3.30pm for Half Term |
Dates for your Diary
Monday 20th February – school re-opens & GCSE mock exams continue
Tues 7th – Fri 10th March – Upper School Residential to Paris
Please order lunches before 9am on Monday
Latest version v1.147 – Parent Portal help
Stars and Students of the Week
Primary School Stars of the Week
Love Class |
Evan for fantastic writing and settling in very well. Blessings for great writing and getting on with her work independently. |
Joy Class |
Eric for a fantastic poem about snow |
Peace Class |
Henry for having a fantastic attitude in school and brilliant art work. |
Kindness Class |
Riyan for great engagement during our geography field trip. Theo for great engagement during our geography field trip and class discussion Bronze Award Henry Isaac Mimi Silver Award Ethan Maya |
Middle School Students of the Week
Dan (Y5) for showing a good understanding of the art lesson by really trying and putting the effort into his work. |
Isla (Y5) for great improvisation performance in music, using varied tone and rhythm patterns and for confident, accurate Geography mapping skills |
Riley (Y6) for: Outstanding learning attitude on trip to The Lowry |
Joy (Y5) for outstanding learning attitude on trip to The Lowry |
Upper School Student of the Week
Isaac (Y9) for working well above his target grade in Science |
Xin-Ran (Y9) for working well above her target grade in Science |
Amber (Y10) for consistent hard work in history. achieving above target grade |
Jacobe (Y10) for progress and perseverance in History |
William (Y10) for being helpful and having a great attitude. |
Acorn Class Student of the Week
Mo for much improved handwriting. |
Helpful links
Fund Raising
It’s free to sign up to and start supporting us with both Amazon Smile and Give as you Live. Send our unique campaign links to friends and family so they can support us for free too!
Regular campaign link – https://www.giveasyoulive.com/charity/bradford-christian-school
Unfortunately, AmazonSmile is being cancelled in February. You do not have to do anything if you are signed up to donate to BCS. Thank you to everyone who did sign up! In two years we gained over £50! Not bad from 0.05% donations from supporter’s online shopping purchases!
Headteacher’s Message
Our mission
To provide a holistic Christian education for all and to inspire discipleship.
Our Vision
To be a Christian community in which everyone grows in character, faith, knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
Each half term the leadership team spend time reviewing our school improvement plan; how we have addressed our targets, our strengths and weaknesses, and how much we are following our vision and mission.
On Thursday, which marked half way through the academic year, we had a long meeting reflecting and evaluating.
Our Christian community where Christian character development occurs is growing in many ways, examples including:
Parent prayer has restarted in school
All staff pray for the school in corporate prayer , at least once each week, and often more.
We have re- started face to face parent meetings, about progress as well as more general meetings
The Middle School Bar Mitzvah programme is going well
We have an upper school residential to Paris planned for March
There is a strong Duke of Edinburgh group
Many of the upper school are studying leadership skills in the sports leadership award.
We have longer devotion times at the start of the day, giving time for Christian input.
Learning walks often have a character focus.Visitors are back in school – a number of them sharing their faith stories
Our school rules have been updated to have a Biblical basis, ‘He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.’ Micah 6 v 8
Our Student Support Team are able to help a number of children who are struggling with personal issues, and Sarah Walker is available for anyone as a counsellor or listening ear.
Knowledge. Understanding and Wisdom
A lot of work has been done on our curriculum this year to make sure it is cohesive, and allows challenges for our most able children whilst supporting those who need it. Our progress data is good, and the standardised tests we use reflect the teacher gradings – giving us confidence that we are on the right lines with assessments.
We are thankful to God for the people who serve here, and the families who trust us with their children. I love being part of this community of people, who are committed to our vision and mission on a daily basis.